MOTOBLOT – June 27-29, 2025 | MOTOBLOT is an annual motorcycle rally held in Chicago, Illinois.


Tickets and Vehicle Registration

Although motorcycle and hot rods can be registered onsite, it is recommended that you do so in advance with your ticket purchase.

2025 Schedule

Friday, June 27th / FRIDAY NIGHT PUNCH-UP /5PM-2AM

Cobra Lounge – 235 N. Ashland Avenue, Chicago

  • Credentials & wristbands pick-up
  • Valhalla Custom Motorcycle Builders Reception
  • Bands: TBA

Saturday, June 28th / NOON – 10PM

Street Rally – Fulton Street at Ashland Avenue, Chicago

  • Gasoline AlleyRide-In Motorcycle & Hot Rod Street Show / Noon – 5pm
    Trophies awarded in 16 categories from Vintage to Modern & Custom.
    Pre-register online after you purchase your tickets
  • Motoblot Pin-Up Contest – $1,000 First Prize
  • ValhallaCustom Motorcycle Builders Challenge
  • Bands: TBA

Sunday, June 29th / NOON – DUSK

Street Rally – Fulton Street at Ashland Avenue, Chicago

  • Valhalla Custom Builder’s Shakedown Ride
  • Bands: TBA

$25 At The Gate / Buy In Advance And $ave / Tix & Registration:

Rewind with these video recaps

Common Questions

Where is MOTOBLOT?

The rally is nestled in the West Town / Fulton Market neighborhood. This historic area, once the heart of many industrial and retail industries, provides the right amount of grit against the backdrop of the glittering, downtown skyline. Enter Cobra Lounge into your GPS for directions.

Where can I park?

If you plan to park your motorcycle, scooter or hot rod within the festival, you must be registered. Space is limited, so advance registration is highly recommended.

Remember, you can plan to party Saturday and take your ride home the next day. Overnight security is provided onsite.

Parking for other vehicles is not provided. There is plenty of free and metered parking available around the festival area. However, taxi, Uber or Lyft are highly recommended.

Where should I stay?

If you need accommodations, these hotels provide a MOTOBLOT discount.

Is MOTOBLOT family friendly?

Yes! Children 12 years and younger also get FREE entrance! Cobra Lounge / All Rise Brewing is a 21 + venue after 9pm. Bring your own noise canceling headphones or earplugs as they are not sold onsite.

Are dogs allowed at MOTOBLOT?

Woof! You must follow the Illinois Animal Control Act rules and keep your pup on a “cord, rope, strap, or chain which shall be securely fastened to the collar or harness of a dog or other animal and shall be of sufficient strength to keep such dog or other animal under control.” Keep in mind that this is a loud event (revving engines, rocking bands and exuberant people) and may not be a suitable environment for all dogs.

Is there security at MOTOBLOT?

Security is stationed in various areas of the festival. If you need security, go to the Ashland / Fulton Spectator entrance.

Is there a lost and found?

Check in at the Ashland / Fulton Spectator Entrance during festival hours. Items turned in will be collected and consolidated at the end of each day.

Email us after show hours with the subject line LOST and a description of your item to help expedite recovery if it is found. MOTOBLOT does not assume responsibility if your property is lost or stolen.

Can I bring my own food and drinks?

No! Outside food and beverages are not allowed.

Can I leave my vehicle at MOTOBLOT overnight?

Yes! You can leave your motorcycle or hot rod withing the festival area overnight Saturday – Sunday. There is 24 hour security. MOTOBLOT does not assume responsibility if your property is lost or stolen.

Are my MOTOBLOT tickets refundable?

This is a rain or shine event. MOTOBLOT tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Entertainment schedule is subject to change.

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